

Our students acquire communication skills in Spanish. They develop understanding about the role of language and culture in communication. Their reflections on language use and language learning are applied in other learning contexts.


Learning languages broadens students’ horizons about the personal, social, cultural and employment opportunities that are available in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. The interdependence of countries and communities requires people to negotiate experiences and meanings across languages and cultures.


At Iramoo Primary School students from Prep to Year 6 are involved in a variety of learning activities to develop their knowledge and skills in the Spanish language. This includes:


Prep – Year 2

  • singing songs, listening to stories and playing games to help students learn and developing the vocabulary and pronunciation of topics such as simple greetings, directions, actions, numbers to 20, colours, family, my body and food
  • learning about some important celebrations and traditions of Spanish speaking countries including Easter (Pasqua) and Christmas (La Navidad).


Year 3 – Year 4

  • learning new vocabulary including classroom objects and materials, describing what is in the classroom, toys & games, farm & wild animals, family, and hobbies & talents
  • engaging in singing songs, listening to stories, having simple conversations with their peers, and playing a range of familiar games
  • participating in cultural investigations exploring how ‘La Navidad’ (Christmas) and other traditions are celebrated in various Spanish speaking countries.


Year 5 – Year 6

  • focusing on the different elements of the Spanish language such as vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and pronunciation
  • participating in role plays in a variety of scenarios to help them practise their oral language skills
  • exploring aspects of Spanish speaking countries from around the world including culture, famous landmarks, monuments, artists and Spanish cuisine
  • improving their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure using fun learning tools such as Duolingo.